The original Rembukan Dojo existed in a delightful suburb of Tokyo and backed up to a green-way. The walk to the dojo from the bus was always a respite from the hard concrete walls that is the big city of Tokyo. It was an austere place that generated a wonderful feeling for those of us who got the opportunity to train there. The Rembukan was a portal in which Westerners gained access to Japan's authentic kobudo (older martial practice). Today with ease of travel, softened cultural barriers and even the internet it is probably hard to imagine that permission was granted to train in Japan only after an interview process and after someone vouched for your character. Shimizu Sensei worked closely with Donn Draeger, the senior ranking Westerner responsible for approving non-Japanese students interested in studying Shindo Muso Ryu. Draeger Sensei also helped open other dojo doors for many of us to expand our budo training experiences. I don't believe that anyone would've taken for granted the privilege of training at the Rembukan. The Dojo itself would last only about a decade.
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January 2017